
Friday, October 26, 2012

A visit from our parents (Safari will be a separate blog)

Our parents were here in TZ for 3 weeks. It came and went way too quickly. We had a lot of fun and got a lot of work with WIL done. We celebrated 2 birthdays (moms and Jans), built 3 chicken coups, bought 50 chickens, passed out food, toys and supplies, went on Safari, bought a sewing machine, spent a day at Maji Moto (hot water springs) went to the snake farm and rode the camels, we ate out a lot, we watched the entire first season of An Idiot Abroad, we laughed, we had an amazing 3 weeks and we miss our parents...These pictures are not in order:)

Jason and camels at the snake farm

Dad and Ted drawing the blue prints for the chicken coups

Jan and Angel at Neema House

Mom and Pray

Happy Birthday MOM!!!

Our Impala soaking up the sun in the back yard

 My mother and her new best friends, Chiku and Mayassa

12 people in the Land Rover!

The first chicken coup we build in Ndombo.
Happy with her new dolls:)

Our good friend Claire and her children came over for a BBQ while our parents were in town. This is us with "our" babies:)

My mom holding Elliot, an abandoned baby that lives at Neema House.

Grill Master!

Mom handing our treats to some of the kids in the village.

Dad building a chicken coup

Relaxing at Maji Moto (hot water springs)

Dad, Jason, Me and Ted at Maji Moto

Mom and Jan riding the camels

Buying our second sewing machine for Naomi

Mom's birthday dinner at a nice Indian Restaurant

Mom and Claires kids

Jan and the baby impala that Tom found at the farm. We believe his mother was killed and she would not survive unless we took her in. She is doing great!

Dad being dad at the BBQ

Picking out chickens at Tengeru

Building out first chicken coup in Ndombo

Happy Birthday Jan!!

Building Mama Mary's chicken coup

Tying the chicken to the roof!

Some of the chickens had to ride inside and out car still smells like chickens:)

Ted holding the chickens
Jan and Ted

We miss you and love you! Hope you visit again soon!!!!!

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