What has Captain Jason's been up to?
Jason has been very very busy the past week. He has been flying a lot to get his hours up as well as putting in hours at the office. He usually leaves around 7:30am and gets home about 6:30, M-Saturday! His boss reassures him that all his hard work with pay off in the long run and we are very optimistic about Jason's future with this awesome company! I cannot remember the exact plane it is but I do know that Johan, the bossman, refers to one of the plans as "Jason's plane". It is a smaller plane but it is faster than the caravan and they expect to have a lot of flights. Things just keep getting better!
What has Aubree been up to?
I have also been busy this week! Most mornings I leave with Jason or leave shortly after. At 7:30 in the morning the Dalla dallas are bursting with people so I usually wait until about 9 so I won't be hanging on for dear life. Things have been very busy with Walk In Love and Neema House. Neema house now has 4 babies! Two new babies this week. WIL has officially started it's women empowerment working program. Merchandise will be for sale online this weekend!
Check my other blog at walkinlovetanzania.blogspot.com and/or check out my website at www.walkinlovetanzania.com
We have had virtually no social life because we have been working so much but we do try to get out every Saturday night. We met a nice American and have made plans with him this weekend. I am also trying to plan Jason's 26th birthday party! We have decided on a Mexican theme. That means margaritas, coronas, tacos and a piƱata! We are very excited to have all out new friends over for the day. Wish me luck in finding presents because "good" things are few and far between here.
In other news, Jason is tired of me complaining about it taking almost an hour to get to Neema on the local transportation so he is going to teach me to drive the motorcycle this week! I'm excited and terrified:) Michael has found a back road between our house and Neema so we are going searching this weekend and hopefully it is motorcycle safe of I'll be on the road people. Exciting! Terrifying!
Thats all the news for now folks.
Lots of Love
Aubree and Jason