Walk In Love has a new blog! http://walkinlovetanzania.blogspot.com/
We had another great week in Tanzania. One of the great things about Tanzania and Tanzanians is that they really consider everyone to be family. Its so nice that we not only have friends here but a real family here. Black or white we are all one human family. Claires children call me Aunt Aubree and call Jason Uncle Jason. They call Mama Musa bibi, which is grandmother in Swahili. I have already told Mama Musa that when Jason and I have children she will be there bibi too. Tom and Barron will be Uncles and we already consider them kaka's, brothers. I have my dada's, (sisters) Claire and Mama Musa, that I already see everyday! Jason stays up with Barron and Tom playing cards and trying to catch bats on the weekends. We miss everyone at home but we are so blessed to have met such great people here.
Jason has been working late all week. He has a lot of responsibility and has been the only one is the office for the whole month. He is getting the entire business set up with out much help. His employers are out of the country working on other aspects of the business. A lot goes into starting up an airline! The office inspector from Dar came in this week and Jason passed with flying colors. His bosses are very impressed with all the work that Jason has done. Claire and I discovered a very nice place on evening. We saw an advertisement for fish and chips and decided to try it out. Its a very nice outdoor pub with a playground, swimming pool and gym. Jason met us there after work and we had some nice cold beer with fish and chips. Afterwards we played for a while at the park. It was a very nice afternoon and we have decided to visit once a week. I can't wait to go for a swim!
B holding onto Jasons thumbs. They are so cute together!
Pushing Nancy and Selemani. They had a great time.
Helping B up the slide. She liked sliding down on her tummy instead of her bottom.
B keep taking one step then stops! She is getting so close and I think she will be walking soon. I can't wait!
Follow my Walk In Love @ http://walkinlovetanzania.blogspot.com/
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